Entrevista a Fatimah Nyamekye autora de Overcome
How much time have you been writing? Why did you start writing?
I’ve been writing ever since I was in grade school. I seriously started writing four years ago, in my second year of medical school. I started writing because I want to make a positive impact in the world, I have so much to say and so writing is my way of reaching out to as many people I can.
Why did you decide to write to encourage writers to use their nighttime dreams to guide their writings?
I believe writing is a gift, though it seems like it is something everyone can easily do, not just anyone is called into writing. Anyone who has been gifted with such skill, should really put it into great use. I believe with the right guidance, and a little push in the right direction, writers can do so much good in the lives of many.
Who are the writers that inspire you? And why?
-Francine Rivers; the very first book of hers that I read, “Redeeming love” made such a positive impact in my life. With this book, she manages to entertain whilst also teaching very important scriptures from the bible. It remains my favorite book until now.
-Chimamanda Ngozi Adichie; I admire her boldness and strength.
How should we begin to read this book?
This book, ‘Overcome’ is a book that drills into the life of a helpless orphan, all that she goes through and her long and painful journey to success. I would like anyone who reads the book, to begin with an open mind…. Because woven into this beautiful story, are really strong messages.
What is the most important thing for you in a book?
The morals of the story and how relatable it can be to the readers.
What can we find in this book?
A lot of hope and inspiration. That we all can do anything or be anyone we want to become, no matter where we were born or how many mistakes we may have made in the past.
Can you tell us about your writing process? What’s a typical writing day for you?
My process of writing is a funny one, because as a medical student, I literally do not have much spare time on my hands. So, I sacrifice a few hours of my sleep every night to write.
Why should we read Overcome?
It is a story I want to share with everyone. Though fictional, I know there are real girls out there that are living this the character in the book. The world would be a better place if we became less apathetic to the stories of these girls.
Do you have any new Projects?
Currently I do not. I’m focusing more on school, but there are many more projects to come in the near future.
How would you define your experience with Calíope editorial?
It has been a smooth, quick and easy journey.
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A must read.
Everyone should grab a copy. Relatable and inspiring story.