Interview to T. P. Thomas, author of the book The forest of Gir.
How much time have you been writing? Why did you start writing?
I started writing early in life, when I was about seven I remember I would take a sheet of paper and fold it in half, drawing a cover on it and writing a short story in the pages in between. The back cover had all the copyrights! I wrote them mainly for family and friends, fantasy stories, super heroes and things like that, fun exciting stories.
Why did you decide to write this book?
It was growing inside of me and needed to come out. I had these images that kept popping up, I kept writing ideas down, it started to come together on its own. It took a long time though, so I had plenty of time to think, and tweak and rewrite. In the end I loved how the story turned out.
Who are the writers that inspire you? And why?
I am a fantasy lover. I was very big on Roald Dahl, C.S Lewis, Douglas Adams. Hitchhikers Guide to the Galaxy is one of my favorite books, Lewis Carroll; Alice in Wonderland, they were the worlds I lived in as a child. Worlds I grew up in. I wanted to write stories that would be as fun and enlightening and entertaining as those had been for me.
How should we begin to read this book?
By opening to the first page.
What is the most important thing for you in a book?
That it be entertaining and that it leaves you with some sort of knowledge, regardless of what it is, that it gives you a bit of wisdom.
What can we find in this book?
A lot of fun and surprises I hope.
Can you tell us about your writing process? What’s a typical writing day for you?
I try to let the ideas come to me. I pay attention to what I want from my story and try to look out for ideas in the world around me. I like taking notes about a subject or an idea until I start to see a narrative; a story starts to come together.
You must write and rewrite every available moment.
Why should we read The Forest of Gir?
You’ll have a great time in there.
Do you have any new Projects?
How would you define your experience with Calíope editorial?
The staff was friendly and the work looks beautiful. Thank you all very much!
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